Exploratory Analysis of Credit and GDP Growth Rates for Tamil Nadu
This post is the next in the credit depth series. While the previous post covered trends in Credit-to-GDP variable for the districts of Tamil Nadu, this post will elucidate trends related to Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR, henceforth referred to as growth rate)1 of Credit, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and Credit-to-GDP variables.
In Rural Financial Services One Size Does Not Fit All
In a recent interview with The Hindu Business Line, Sucharita Mukherjee, CEO, IFMR Holdings, talks about our wealth management approach and why is it at the heart of our financial services offering.
Exploratory Analysis of Credit-to-GDP Variable for Tamil Nadu
In the previous blog posts of this series, we had outlined that the various aspects of financial development like depth (Credit to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratios), and access (per cent of population with bank accounts in urban and rural areas, and distribution of payment access points per 10,000 eligible persons) vary not only between Indian states, but also considerably between different districts.
Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges
As part of our coverage on the recently held knowledge management sessions at our office, in this post we share video from a session on “Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges”.
NSE-IFMR Finance Foundation Conference on Household Finance
As part of the National Stock Exchange & IFMR Finance Foundation Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative, we are pleased to jointly host the Inaugural Conference on March 14-15, 2016.
Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households
As part of IFMR Finance Foundation’s “Notes on the Indian Financial System” research series, Anand Sahasranaman, Vishnu Prasad & Aditi Balachander, have authored the latest research note on “Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households”.
NSE-IFF Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative (2014-15) – Global Call for Proposals
The National Stock Exchange, India and IFMR Finance Foundation are delighted to announce a joint call for research proposals, under the “NSE-IFF Financial Deepening and Household Finance Research Initiative” for the years 2014-15.
How Much Can Asset Portfolios of Rural Households Benefit from Formal Financial Services?
As part of the NSE-IFMR ‘Financial Inclusion’ Research Initiative, Vishnu Prasad, Anand Sahasranaman, Santadarshan Sadhu, and Rachit Khaitan of IFMR Finance Foundation have authored a working paper for the series.
Video: How Much Can Asset Portfolios of Rural Households Benefit from Formal Financial Services?
As part of our blog series on the recently held Spark sessions, in this post we cover a talk by Vishnu Prasad & Rachit Khaitan on their recently released research paper “How much can asset portfolios of rural households benefit from formal financial services?”
Who owns social security schemes in India? – Principles for a robust framework
This post is the third in a series on Social Security for the Indian Unorganised Sector.