Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

NSE-IFMR Finance Foundation Conference on Household Finance

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As part of the National Stock Exchange & IFMR Finance Foundation Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative, we are pleased to jointly host the Inaugural Conference on March 14-15, 2016.

In November 2014, NSE and IFMR Finance Foundation invited research proposals that would significantly advance our understanding of key themes in financial inclusion and household financial decision-making, and were aimed to benefit both policy makers in the design of financial sector policy and practitioners as they seek to design products and services for low-income and excluded populations. After a careful screening of the proposals we selected five outstanding studies on a wide range of topics: right from access to credit (including agricultural credit, microfinance and informal lenders) to investment advice delivered by banks, and predictive analytics for the microfinance sector. Each of these papers will be presented and discussed by a mixed audience of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers at the inaugural conference.

The conference will be inaugurated by Mr. N. S. Vishwanathan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, who will deliver the Keynote address on the topic “Recent Regulatory Developments in Advancing Financial Inclusion”. The event will also feature a panel discussion on “The Lifecycle of Innovations in Financial Inclusion: From Insights to Scale”, where we will host experts from different spheres to deliberate on creating lasting innovations that can bring meaningful financial services to excluded households and businesses. The panellists are Anuradha Ramachandran, Director-Investments, Omidyar Networks, Ayush Chauhan, CEO, Quicksand, Chetna Vijay Sinha, Chair, Mann Deshi Mahila Sahakari Bank, Deepa Bachu, Co-Founder & CEO, Pensaar & Rajeev Ahuja, Head-Strategy, Retail, Financial Inclusion & Transaction Banking, Ratnakar Bank.

In addition to the research presenters, Dr. Anjini Kochar of Stanford University will also present an invited paper on “Branchless Banking: Evaluating the Doorstep Delivery of Financial Services in Rural India” at the event.

You can find more information about the event, research papers and the presenters here.

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