Tackling customer protection issues in life insurance for low-income households
Insurance companies should align their sales practices to generate the best outcomes for low income households by ensuring easy access to a variety of products with disclosures that provide accurate information.
Workshop on Life Insurance for Low-Income Households
This blog post summarises key takeaways from a virtual workshop we recently hosted. It was conducted against the backdrop of a study that we recently concluded titled “Can information disclosures influence life insurance purchase decisions for low-income households?”.
How govt surveys can be updated to better understand the financial lives of Indian households
There is a need for updated dataset on households’ consumption patterns, increased frequency of surveys on households’ balance sheet, and to collect data on financial well-being.
Why endowment plan, a traditional life insurance scheme, is part of most household finances
Unlike term plans that provide life risk cover or unit-linked schemes, where returns are market-linked, endowment plans offer maturity benefits upon survival & minimum guaranteed return.
Suitable or unsuitable? Understanding the role of credit in finances of low-income households
Low-income households seek loans often, but credit is suitable if it helps sustain or improve financial well-being. This is what must be ensured by lenders, regulators & policymakers.
Financial Services Can Be More Humane
Tremendous efforts have gone into creating new authoritiessuch as the Central Consumer Protection Authority.
Why financial service providers, policy makers must evolve to better serve low-income households
Low-income households work with irregular income inflows, resulting in shrinking financial planning horizon and necessitating frequent decisions in response to frequent changes.
What Findex 2021 Tells Us About Financial Inclusion in India
Indian households and businesses hold their wealth primarily in physical assets like real estate, gold, and durables, while barely investing in any financial assets.
Can financial decisions be free of emotion? Why it’s not the case in Indian households
The social dimension of household finances is often missed by popular commentary on finance, which sees such decisions as being made by an individual for only themselves.
Financial portfolio of Indian households – A data book
This data book compiles trends on household participation in formal financial services over the last few years.