Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

The Innovative Finance Revolution

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Foreign Affairs magazine in association with The Rockefeller Foundation has published a special issue titled “The Innovative Finance Revolution”. The issue focuses on how innovative finance, characterised by financial tools such as pooled insurance and securitised debt among others, can put the power of private capital markets to work for the public good and can unlock new resources and lead to cost-effective interventions.

Img_FAThe report features essays that lay out the context of innovative finance, and focuses on innovative finance solutions, technological innovation and policy frameworks. As part of this publication, Sucharita Mukherjee, Deepti George & Nikhil John have authored a chapter titled “Investing in the Transformation of Financial Access in India”. In the chapter the authors lay out the financial access scenario in India and provide a perspective on the innumerable challenges that a well-functioning financial system can effectively mitigate for India’s individuals, households, enterprises and local governments and IFMR Holdings role in addressing it. Through the chapter they highlight the underlying core philosophy that drives all our efforts and the work of each of our entities towards our mission of ensuring that every individual and every enterprise has complete access to financial services.

You can read the full publication here and the particular chapter here.

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