Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Deepti George Dvara

Deepti George

Deputy ED and Head of Strategy
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With one and a half decades of experience, Deepti leads Dvara Research’s thinking on regulatory and policy themes in financial and banking systems. Deepti’s area of research and advocacy include consumer protection and institutional conduct, financial inclusion, and retail and wholesale financial services within Indian as well as international jurisdictions. She was part of the core technical secretariat to the Reserve Bank of India’s Mor Committee (2014), and SEBI’s Working Group on Social Stock Exchange (2020), and currently serves as a member of the ongoing SEBI Investor Survey Advisory Committee, and as the convenor for the Special Committee of the C20 on Financial Issues as part of India’s 2023 Presidency of the G20.

She has been member of CGAP’s (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) coalition on Consumer Protection and has contributed to various fora like the International Financial Consumer Protection Organisation (FinCoNet) and the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME). In 2019, Deepti was ranked among India’s top 100 women in finance by the Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI).

Focus policy initiatives

Center For Customer Protection
Financial Systems Design



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