Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Assessing the Performance of PMJJBY and PMSBY: A Systems-Level Approach

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The objective of this deck is to summarise learnings from fieldwork conducted in Rajasthan and Gujarat towards (i) building evidence on the customer protection issues in the sale and servicing of the two insurance schemes and (ii) bringing to the forefront the structural issues on the supply-side that are holding back Financial Service Providers (FSPs) from offering high-quality service in the context of these two schemes. Addressing the issues in the structural design and architecture of the two insurance schemes are crucial to the success of the program and curbing customer protection concerns. We conclude by proposing a set of policy recommendations targeted towards the Government, the Regulator, and the Market Actors, across four broad themes- Structural Design, Process Efficiency, Market Monitoring, and Awareness and Accessibility.

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