IFMR Holdings Annual Update 2016 – Sowing Seeds for Transformation
In this Annual IFMR Holdings update for FY2016, Sucharita Mukherjee, CEO, IFMR Holdings, in conversation with a Wealth Manager in the video below, narrates the journey so far and the road ahead.
How Do India’s Payments Banks Measure Against Key Principles for Financial Inclusion?
Only about half of Indian adults have access to an account of any kind. The number is even lower for the poorest 40 percent (World Bank, Global Findex 2014).
Curating Innovative Ideas through I-Innovate
In our endeavor to achieve our mission of ensuring that every individual and every enterprise has complete access to financial services, we realize the crucial role that innovative ideas can play in this journey.
“Data can tell different stories, important is, which is the one you want to tell?” – Interview with S. Anand – Part 1
The role of data in shaping public perception and informing policy decisions cannot be emphasised enough. Given the shift towards increasing digitisation and an influx of data points that is now available in the public domain,
Preliminary Findings from the KGFS Impact Evaluation Study
Happy Birthday Pudhuaaru KGFS, and if we may say so as an objective evaluation team: Many happy returns (in every sense of the word)!
Daily News Clips on Financial Inclusion
One has different ways to keep track of the latest news and updates on financial inclusion in India
NSE-IFMR Finance Foundation (IFF) Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research
From the hills of Uttarakhand
I am writing from Thatyur village in Theri district, Jaunour block – about 3.5 hours north of Dehradun in Uttarakhand, India.
IFMR Holdings partners with Accion, LeapFrog and Lok Capital to scale up our financial inclusion platform
Our mission to “ensure that every individual and every enterprise has complete access to financial services” took a significant step forward with an equity investment of US$ 25 million in IFMR Holdings by Accion, a financial inclusion pioneer, LeapFrog Investments, a specialist investor in emerging-market financial services, and Lok Capital, an Indian impact investment firm. IFMR Trust is the promoter and remains the majority shareholder of the company.
The IFMR Trust Group Annual Update 2015: Enabling Access to Finance
The IFMR Trust Group has, since 2008, reached over 11 million financially excluded individuals across 24 states and 356 districts in India through its group companies, IFMR Finance Foundation, IFMR Rural Finance, and IFMR Holdings (IFMR Rural Channels and Services (IRCS),