Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Summary of key features of the PSL Master Circular – July 2012

On 2nd July, 2012, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came out with Master Circulars on various topics containing directions to the banks. Among these was also the Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending, containing directions to banks, including Scheduled Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks.

IFMR Capital concludes the Annual Risk Workshop for 2012

IFMR Capital recently hosted the Annual Risk Workshop for its MFI partners. The concept of the workshop was to provide a common platform for capital providers/financiers and clients, and share our risk management principles and workings.

IFMR Rural Channels launches Thenaaru KGFS

Close on the heels of launching its fourth KGFS, IFMR Rural Channels launched its fifth KGFS yesterday – Thenaaru Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services (KGFS) which would be serving the districts of Pudukkotai, Karur and Namakkal in Tamil Nadu.