Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Literature Review: Finances of Platform Workers in India

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This brief reviews the literature on the finances of platform workers in India and around the world. Several studies have found that workers take up platform work for the flexibility offered by platforms and the promise of a high income. However, in practice, platform workers experience significant volatility in income from month to month. Studies have found that workers are often unable to use savings and risk protection instruments that may otherwise be available. In addition, the credit products available to workers are often unsuitable for their needs and income patterns. We find that there are gaps in the literature with respect to the extent of income volatility that gig workers experience over a year. We also find that there is a need to examine how the needs of households dependent on gig work are different from those of other low-income households.

The full brief is available here.



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Chatterjee, A., D’cruze, N. A., Kumar, A., Ponnathpur, R. S., & Singh, A. (2021). Literature Review: Finances of Platform Workers in India. Dvara Research.


Chatterjee, Asmita, Natasha Agnes D’cruze, Anupama Kumar, Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, and Anubhutie Singh. 2021. “Literature Review: Finances of Platform Workers in India.” Dvara Research.


Chatterjee, Asmita, et al. “Literature Review: Finances of Platform Workers in India.” Dvara Research (2021).

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