Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

NSE-IFF Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative (2014-15) – Global Call for Proposals

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The National Stock Exchange, India and IFMR Finance Foundation are delighted to announce a joint call for research proposals, under the “NSE-IFF Financial Deepening and Household Finance Research Initiative” for the years 2014-15. The initiative is looking to fund several high-quality research studies that can be of benefit to policy makers in the design of financial sector policy and to practitioners as they seek to design products and services for low-income and excluded populations.

This year, we invite research proposals under the broad themes of financial inclusion, financial deepening and household finance. Interested researchers affiliated with universities, think-tanks and other institutions (both Indian and overseas), and students enrolled in Doctoral programs are welcome to apply.

For a description of the research themes, application deadlines and other details and modalities, please visit:

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