Building Natural Catastrophe Protection for Low-income Households – Notes from the Joint Workshop hosted by Asian Development Bank and IFMR Holdings
Natural catastrophes, whether in the form of the severe drought that regions like Bundelkhand are currently witnessing or floods, like the one which deluged Chennai in 2015, leave behind them a tale of destruction that is both unparalleled and deeply disturbing
Response to the Reserve Bank of India’s Consultation Paper on Peer To Peer Lending
Recently the Reserve Bank of India released a Consultation Paper on Peer to Peer Lending aimed at defining the contours of regulating Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending in India.
Comments on the Indian Banking Sector at the Stanford India Conference
I had an opportunity to participate in the excellent conference organised by the Stanford Centre for International Development (SCID) on Indian Economic Policy as a discussant for a presentation by Dr. Rakesh Mohan.
“Open data improves the situation from a data privacy perspective” – Interview with S. Anand – Part 2
This post is a continuation from our earlier post about a conversation with S. Anand, Chief Data Scientist, Gramener. The earlier post covered the fundamentals of a good data visualisation and the nuances one has to keen in mind while undertaking such an effort.
“Data can tell different stories, important is, which is the one you want to tell?” – Interview with S. Anand – Part 1
The role of data in shaping public perception and informing policy decisions cannot be emphasised enough. Given the shift towards increasing digitisation and an influx of data points that is now available in the public domain,
Millions on the Move: Narratives of Labour Migrants in India – Part 2
As we saw in the previous post, seasonal migrant workers and their families face several endemic disadvantages, both at source and destination.
Millions on the Move: Narratives of Labour Migrants in India – Part 1
“Why did I migrate? Because it’s a question of my survival, my family’s survival” – Mogji Meena, Limdi Village, Aaspur Block, Dungarpur District, Rajasthan
The Lifecycle of Innovations in Financial Inclusion: From Insights to Scale
The Indian financial sector is poised for sweeping changes to traditional models and we look to embrace game-changing developments in institutional form and digital infrastructure.
A Change in Behavior: Innovations in Financial Capability – An Interview with Elisabeth Rhyne
In this blog post we interview Elisabeth Rhyne, MD, Center for Financial Inclusion, Accion, and co-author of the recently published study “A Change in Behavior: Innovations in Financial Capability”.
Exploratory Analysis of Credit and GDP Growth Rates for Tamil Nadu
This post is the next in the credit depth series. While the previous post covered trends in Credit-to-GDP variable for the districts of Tamil Nadu, this post will elucidate trends related to Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR, henceforth referred to as growth rate)1 of Credit, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and Credit-to-GDP variables.