Notes from a Kenya trip
Last week, the leadership team of the IFMR Group had an opportunity to visit Kenya and among other things, it was a fantastic opportunity for us to get a sense of the trajectory of Kenya’s financial sector development relative to ours in India.
In Rural Financial Services One Size Does Not Fit All
In a recent interview with The Hindu Business Line, Sucharita Mukherjee, CEO, IFMR Holdings, talks about our wealth management approach and why is it at the heart of our financial services offering.
Video: Recent Regulatory Developments in Advancing Financial Inclusion
As part of IFMR Finance Foundation’s Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative, the National Stock Exchange & IFMR Finance Foundation recently hosted a two-day Inaugural Conference in Mumbai to present the results of the collaborative research effort underway and to obtain feedback on it.
Exploratory Analysis of Credit-to-GDP Variable for Tamil Nadu
In the previous blog posts of this series, we had outlined that the various aspects of financial development like depth (Credit to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratios), and access (per cent of population with bank accounts in urban and rural areas, and distribution of payment access points per 10,000 eligible persons) vary not only between Indian states, but also considerably between different districts.
Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges
As part of our coverage on the recently held knowledge management sessions at our office, in this post we share video from a session on “Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges”.
Insolvency Law Reform in India
We recently hosted a series of knowledge management sessions at our office, as part of which we had invited Richa Roy of AZB & Partners as one of the speakers.
Taking Stock of Weather Insurance in India
This blog post discusses the concept of weather-indexed insurance in India, its advantages over traditional yield-based insurance schemes and the institutional and infrastructure requirements for successful implementation of weather-indexed schemes.
NSE-IFMR Finance Foundation Conference on Household Finance
As part of the National Stock Exchange & IFMR Finance Foundation Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative, we are pleased to jointly host the Inaugural Conference on March 14-15, 2016.
Credit Information Reporting for Self Help Group Members
The RBI Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households (2014) recommended that the regulator require all loans provided by regulated institutions to be reported to at least one credit bureau.
Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households
As part of IFMR Finance Foundation’s “Notes on the Indian Financial System” research series, Anand Sahasranaman, Vishnu Prasad & Aditi Balachander, have authored the latest research note on “Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households”.