Local Address Proof no longer a bottleneck to account opening
Customers attempting to open a savings bank account in a scheduled commercial bank will no longer require to furnish proof of current address if the customer is staying at a location that does not correspond with that of his or her permanent address.
What Ails Social Security for the Indian Unorganised Sector? Challenges in Design and Implementation
This post is the first in a series on Social Security for the Indian Unorganised Sector.
Financing Metropolitan Governments in Developing Countries
The investment requirement of urban infrastructure over the next 20 years is estimated by the Isher Ahluwalia Committee to be in the region of Rs. 40 lakh crore.
The Role of Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
Financial inclusion and financial deepening have an important role to play in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty and inequality, while mitigating systemic risk and maintaining financial stability.
Does Microcredit Benefit the Poor? New Evidence from a Long Panel Survey of Microfinance Clients in Bangladesh
Microfinance has long been seen by many as a panacea for fighting poverty by providing access to financial services to low-income population considered unbankable by the traditional financial system.
Digital Currencies and the Larger Questions they Raise
Digital currencies have generated substantial curiosity over the last year, particularly post the favourable1 hearing that Bitcoin, a prominent digital currency2, received at the US Capitol hill in November 2013.
Strengthening Rural Lending
The development of
critical complementary
infrastructure for customer
Towards a Suitability-based Customer Protection Regime in India
The current regulatory approach to customer protection in India can be divided into two complementary ex-ante approaches- mandated information disclosure, and financial literacy and education.
A greater role for Development Finance Institutions
The Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households (CCFS) seeks the creation of an ecosystem of different types of institutions, each with their choice of specialisation such that there would be multiple partnerships between these specialists.
Building a Ubiquitous Electronic Payments Network and Universal Access to Savings – Part II
Continuing from an earlier post, this post highlights the CCFS recommendations around various bank and non-bank channels that will serve to deliver a ubiquitous payments network and universal access to savings.