Perspective on IRDA’s proposed ‘everything product’
The Micro-insurance sector has been often in the news in the recent times. This is primarily because of IRDA’s recent recommendation towards an “everything product” approach for which the Life Insurance Council has been asked to prepare a blue-print.
Financing the Development of Small and Medium Cities
This paper makes a case for the concerted development of small and medium cities as the key focus in the strategy to ensure sustainable urbanisation in India.
The Individual Insolvency Framework in India
While the corporate insolvency framework has seen a lot of activity, the individual insolvency framework in India consists merely of a pair of statutes legislated in the British era which today lie dormant for all practical purposes.
The Corporate Insolvency Framework in India
IFMR Finance Foundation is working on understanding the regime for corporate and individual insolvency in India, as part of our mandate on financial systems design. We will be regularly showcasing our learnings on this front as a part of this new blog series called “Insolvency in India”. We start off by looking at the legal framework for corporate insolvency in India.
Our view on the new securitisation guidelines
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) just released its new securitisation guidelines for standard assets via a notification.
Funding to the microfinance sector: Review of options
The Indian microfinance sector has seen a series of rapid changes in the past decade.
FICCI Workshop on Strengthening Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
FICCI had organised a panel discussion followed by a workshop on “Strengthening Microfinance Institutions (MFIs): Good governance and Strategic People Practices” on April 23, 2012 in Mumbai.
‘Treating Customers Fairly’ Policy in South Africa
As part of our series of posts on Consumer Protection, this post looks at the ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ (TCF) initiative which is being implemented in South Africa to ensure stronger market conduct regulation.
‘Suitability and Appropriateness’ Policies in India
As we move towards a financial market with increasing product complexity, information disclosures alone will not lead to improved customer outcomes.
Directed credit: Our response to Nair Committee
The Committee to Re-examine the Existing Classification and Suggest Revised Guidelines with regard to Priority Sector Lending Classification and related Issues chaired by Shri. M.V. Nair (the Nair Committee) recently submitted its recommendations.