Microfinance: Translating Research into Practice – Conference
RBI’s College of Agricultural Banking together with the Centre for Micro Finance, IFMR Research will host their fifth annual conference, “Microfinance: Translating Research into Practice” on January 9th and 10th 2012 in Pune.
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian financial system in 2011
Here are our picks:
1. De-regulation of savings account interest rates
Financial Inclusion and the Urban Economy – IUC 2011
India is rapidly urbanizing and the rate of urbanization is expected to climb steeply over the next few decades. The urban population of India will be close to 600 million by 2030, as compared to 340 million in 2008.
Theory of Consumer Protection II: Insights from Behavioral Economics
In the second blog in the Consumer Financial Protection series, we explore insights from behavioral economics that could fundamentally impact the design of legislation and regulation for consumer protection in finance.
Why small is not beautiful when it comes to savings?
A recent article in the Economist notes approvingly about the growing phenomenon of Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) as a means for low-income clients to save securely and earn high returns.
The Theory of Consumer Protection – Part I
IFMR Finance Foundation is working on the agenda of consumer protection in finance as part of its mandate on financial systems design.
Response to the Report of the Working Group on the Issues and Concerns in the NBFC Sector
NBFCs play a critical role in furthering the goal of financial inclusion. It is our view that in order to make access to financial services universal, while ensuring systemic stability, we need to build on the separate natural strengths of banks and NBFCs.
Workshop on Urban Infrastructure and Service delivery: Themes and Avenues for Future Research
Following the sessions by Dr. Isher Ahluwalia and Mr. Vikram Kapur, (covered in this post) the workshop participants discussed critical topics such as decentralisation and governance, political economy and institutional fragmentation, revenue generation and infrastructure financing, water and sanitation, capacity building, and land and city growth.
The Future of Finance in India: Talwar Memorial Lecture
Mr N Vaghul, chairman emeritus of ICICI Bank, recently delivered the Talwar Memorial Lecture on the topic “The Future of Finance in India”.
IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011
The first IFMR Conference on Financial Systems Design was held at our office in Chennai on Aug 5-6, 2011. The objective of the conference was to engage in an in-depth conversation on the future of the Indian financial system and some of the underlying design challenges being faced in various markets.