Financial services matrix
The best of intentions get thwarted ever so often, simply because the co-ordination and communication required are absent.
Kick-starting mobile money system with payments and transfers
This is the second of three-part series of blogs titled “Mobile money”. The authors explore and explain all about mobile banking and how it can make a difference to the rural population.
Why would an MFI need an Appreciative Inquiry process?
“In 5 years, our village would have metal roads, hospitals and old-age homes to take care of the poor, the poor women who work for others now would become employers, giving employment opportunities to many other under-privileged people.
Mobile money: It’s all about marketing, branding and distribution
This is the first of three-part series of blogs titled “Mobile money”. The authors explore and explain all about mobile banking and how it can make a difference to the rural population.
The gold standard of origination
Anil SG, CEO of IFMR Rural Finance, with an image of gold in its liquid form being molded into a solid state, as the initial slide, set the tempo for the topic being talked about at a recent Spark session – both visually and insightfully.
First Private Wealth Investment in Microfinance Securitisation
IFMR Capital closed its eighth microloan securitisation transaction this week, an INR 370 mn multi-originator securitisation with Delhi-based MFI Satin Creditcare, Rajasthan-based Sahayata Microfinance and Tamil Nadu MFI, Asirvad.
How access to finance can reduce poverty
Finance Matters – A fortnightly column by IFMR Finance Foundation in The Hindu Business Line will explore ways in which the power of finance can be unlocked for improving the wellbeing of millions of households.
“Wealth Management is the right approach”
“In conversation” is a new series of Q & A blogs from the IFMR Blog team where we ask questions on behalf of our readers to leading personalities in the field of financial inclusion.
A higher education loan product for Thanjavur district
At the beginning of the summer, the six of us Stanford summer interns set out to determine, through field interviews and market research
The world’s poor need safe places to save
Did you know that only half the adult population in the world has access to a bank account? More than 3 billion people don’t have access to savings accounts, and they are predominantly the world’s poorest people who live on less than US$2 per day.