Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

How have household balance sheets changed post the pandemic? A descriptive analysis of household portfolios using CMIE’s Consumer Pyramid Household Survey Dataset


According to a report by Crif High Mark, microfinance loans overdue for up to 31-180 days increased from 2.1% in March 2024 to 2.7% in June 2024. While there could be several supply-side factors at play for the rise in defaults, in this blog we direct our attention to reviewing the household side of the story by assessing the changes in household balance sheets post the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Report on Addressing Debt Distress in a Post COVID World

Access to credit enables an individual and her household to achieve financial well-being and results in economic welfare outcomes for the entire society. However, excessive debt diminishes all developmental gains, and negatively impacts overall economic growth and stability.


In this series’s of blog posts, we will provide challenges and gaps in the BoCW Act implementation and highlight the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders in the BoCW Act registration and service delivery.

Lessons from the CoWIN experience

CoWIN has been developed as a digital platform to support Covid-19 vaccination efforts in India. While most are familiar with the interface for citizens to book vaccination slots, CoWIN also supports multiple other functions.