Looking at Retail Digital Payments Through a Data Lens
Data and trends of digital payments in India.
The Right to Privacy Judgment: Initial Reflections on Implications for Digital Financial Services
The Supreme Court of India’s judgment on the fundamental right to privacy yesterday, 24 August 2017, speaks directly to the sweeping changes we are witnessing in the way that the State and private companies use citizens’ personal data
Insights from the “Digital Investments Roundtable” hosted by the Future of Finance Initiative
In the first and second posts of this series on the three Future of Finance Initiative (FFI) workshops hosted in April, we focused on digital payments and digital credit respectively.
Insights from the “Digital Credit Roundtable” hosted by the Future of Finance Initiative
In the first post of this series on the three Future of Finance Initiative (FFI) workshops hosted in April, we focused on the workshop on digital payments.
Insights from the “Digital Payments Roundtable” hosted by the Future of Finance Initiative
In April, the Future of Finance Initiative (FFI) hosted a series of closed door workshops with a small set of digital financial service providers focusing on payments, credit and investments.
Leveraging Fintech for Risk-based Pricing & Personalisation
These less-discussed applications of fintech can transform microloan pricing and personal finance, leading to fair lending and wider inclusion
Law, policy and regulation for customers making digital payments
Law, policy and regulation for customers making digital payments: IFMR – A Youtube Video
Comments to the report of the “Committee to review the framework related to Digital Payments” dated 09 December 2016 (Committee), constituted by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India (Report)
The Future of Finance Initiative (FFI) is housed within the IFMR Finance Foundation (IFF) and aims to promote policy and regulatory strategies
that protect citizens accessing finance given the sweeping changes that are reshaping retail financial services in India.
Comments on the Report of Watal Committee on Digital Payments
Shortly after Christmas last month, a press release from the Ministry of Finance on 28th December announced that the Committee on Digital Payments (chaired by Ratan P. Watal) had submitted its Report.
Digitising Payment in our backyard
There has been a strong national imperative to move towards a “cashless” economy in India[1]. Despite a substantive impetus from public and private sector forces, the adoption and use of digital modes of payment in the country remains paltry[