India Rural Development Report
A few months earlier IDFC Foundation had prepared the “India Rural Development Report 2012/13” which provided a wide perspective on the rural landscape covering the Rural dynamics, Livelihoods, Inclusion, Infrastructure, Sustainability and a review of major central government rural programmes and schemes and, in particular, the flagship MGNREGA.
Comprehensive Social Security for the Indian Unorganised Sector
Social Security is widely seen as a fundamental building block of a just and equitable society. While ideas of welfare, pension and charity have been with us since the times of the earliest civilizations, the modern concept of social security can arguably trace its origins to the aftermath of the industrial revolution.
Field Report on the Impacts of Cyclone Phailin
The twin calamities
A few weeks ago, Bindu and I visited Dhanei KGFS that serves the districts of Ganjam and Khurda through a network of thirty branches.
Leveraging Mapping for the Rural Economy – Part 2
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post which briefed about the mapping exercise that IFMR Rural Finance had undertaken to study the service area of a KGFS Branch.
What are your views on Comprehensive Financial Services?
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post where we had invited public comments on Affordable Credit Delivery. In this post we seek your thoughts on the theme of Comprehensive Financial Services.
Leveraging Mapping for the Rural Economy – Part 1
How do spatial parameters like distance and accessibility impact financial inclusion? How can an organisation striving to achieve financial inclusion locate itself strategically such that it becomes truly inclusive in every sense of the word?
What are your views on Priority Sector Lending?
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post where we had invited public comments on Payments. In this post we seek your thoughts on the theme of Priority Sector Lending.
IFMR Finance Foundation seeking public comments on Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
IFMR Finance Foundation’s “Complete Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening” site has been created with a view to track national progress on these fronts over time.
Improving Competitiveness in Agri-Commodity Markets – Part 2: The Policy Environment
This post is part 2 of a three-part series, and depicts the legislative and policy backdrop to agri-commodity markets in India
Improving Competitiveness in Agri-Commodity Markets – Part 1: Understanding the Markets
The Indian farmer might earn only INR 30 a day, but there are many of him. According to the 2001 census, the Indian agriculture sector employs about 60 percent of the population, of which farmers comprise 119 million (the rest are agricultural non-owner labourers).