Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

How Utkarsh Microfinance handles Customer Grievance

On a recent visit to MFIs working in eastern Uttar Pradesh, we chanced upon some great innovations and field practices, which are clearly taking customer focus to the next level. In this post, I elaborate on the innovation we saw at Utkarsh Microfinance in Varanasi.

Innovations in Micro Finance: Field notes from Eastern Uttar Pradesh

A few colleagues and I recently travelled through Varanasi and Mirzapur in Eastern Uttar Pradesh visiting Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) in that region and their clients. I am delighted to report that this region, one of the poorest in India, is a hotbed of innovations.

Cost of Delivering Rural Credit in India

Central to the debate on access to finance for India, is the question of the most appropriate channel for credit delivery. Credit intermediation has traditionally been the stronghold of banks, driven by policy mandates and regulatory backing.

Multi originator securitisation (MOSEC) in microfinance

Structured finance approach has provided microfinance institutions (MFIs) the access to diverse funding sources. During last fiscal year 2011-12, MFIs raised more than INR 20 billion through securitisation transactions.

A structured finance approach to microfinance

The structured finance approach has given MFIs access to a new class of debt investors, thereby reducing over-dependence on traditional sources of funds. This therefore enables risk transfer over a larger gamut of financial institutions and also provides access to mainstream capital market investors. The need for continuous and reliable sources of capital is critical for growth and sustenance in this sector.