Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Analysing the MFI cost structure

Having understood the deep transformative potential of access to finance and the barriers to accessing it, here’s a look at the fundamentals of the MFI cost structure in delivering finance.

Why would an MFI need an Appreciative Inquiry process?

“In 5 years, our village would have metal roads, hospitals and old-age homes to take care of the poor, the poor women who work for others now would become employers, giving employment opportunities to many other under-privileged people.

Unearthing the real issues in microfinance: Quality

Sucharita Mukherjee and Kirthi Rao talk about the importance of quality of underwriting standards in microfinance institutions. This is the first in a series of articles by the authors on the topic “Unearthing the real issues in microfinance”.

Bringing mutual funds and small MFIs together

What does it take to make a mutual fund invest in small MFIs? The one team that would be able to answer this question would be the IFMR Capital MOSEC team that has just concluded the second multi-originator microloan securitization.

Workshop on Microfinance and Rural Development

At a recent workshop on “Microfinance and Rural Development” held at Ramjas College, Delhi, Nitin Chaudhary from IFMR Rural Finance had the opportunity to chair one of the sessions that was attended by students of Ramjas College and St. Stephen’s College.

MFI Activity and Human Resource

The success of an organization greatly depends on its Human Resource (HR), where HR plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing its human capital.