Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Technology to the rescue of MFIs

[Artoo Slate is a software solution designed for microfinance field staff that takes the entire process of data collection and loan disbursement online.

Where is the Ponzi scheme?

We have recently read comments on various blogs which suggest that MFIs are comparable to Ponzi schemes. These bloggers suggest that once new MFI loan disbursements slow down, borrowers will not be able to make the payments on their old loans.

MFIs, markets need each other

The goal of an investment professional is to maximise the risk-adjusted return on the overall portfolio through diversification within and across asset classes.

Malegam Committee Report on microfinance released

The Reserve Bank of India has released on its website the Report of the Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India to Study Issues and Concerns in the MFI Sector. The Sub-Committee has recommended creation of a separate category of NBFCs operating in the microfinance sector to be designated as NBFC-MFIs. To qualify […]

A new partner for MFIs arrives

Puneet Gupta is restless and visibly excited. The last ten days have been the culmination of many days’ efforts in creating access to finance to deserving high quality Microfinance Institutions (MFIs).

Getting some facts straight in microfinance

The recent controversy surrounding the microfinance sector has entirely eclipsed the fact that it is the first effort in India to have delivered financial services to remote corners of the country in a self-sustaining manner.

Analysing the MFI cost structure

Having understood the deep transformative potential of access to finance and the barriers to accessing it, here’s a look at the fundamentals of the MFI cost structure in delivering finance.

Why would an MFI need an Appreciative Inquiry process?

“In 5 years, our village would have metal roads, hospitals and old-age homes to take care of the poor, the poor women who work for others now would become employers, giving employment opportunities to many other under-privileged people.