Top 5 Game changers for the Indian Financial System in 2015
In our final post of the year we put together the Top-5 game changers of 2015.
Stress Testing Credit Risk of Indian Banks
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, RBI took a major leap forward and set up a new Financial Stability Unit in 2009 specifically focusing on the measures to be taken for assessment and evaluation of financial system stability in the country
“Suitability” and the Law: Moving from scatter gun to straight shooter?
The previous blog post in this series had presented some insights from our review of case law relating to financial products and services.
Upholding Customer Protection: Tales from the Indian Courts
It is not often that the Supreme Court of India becomes disgruntled by the death of a buffalo. In September 2012, the highest court of the land found itself in just this situation following the death of an insured animal.
Ubiquitous Access to Payments – One (big) Step Forward
Yesterday, the RBI announced in-principle Payment Bank licenses for eleven applicants. To put things in perspective, there were two new bank licenses in the last decade.
Measures of Financial Depth and their Limitations
In the previous post of the blog series on financial depth, we attempted to understand the nature of the relationship between financial depth and economic growth.
Relationship Between Financial Depth and Economic Growth
This is the first post in our blog series on the concept of financial depth and the various methods to measure it. The introductory post summarizes the literature pertaining to the significance of financial depth.
Payments Banks become a reality
The RBI has published final Guidelines for Licensing of Payments Banks in India after reviewing feedback and comments obtained by it on the draft guidelines that were published in July 2014 and covered in an earlier post.
Niche banking in India: Draft Guidelines for Payments Banks
The Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households recommended developing a vertically differentiated banking structure, in which banks specialise in one or more of three functions- payments, credit delivery and retail deposit taking.
NBFCs can now sign up to become Business Correspondents
Removing an earlier restriction that the Reserve Bank had placed on NBFCs, the RBI today has restored the permission for non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-ND) to become Business Correspondents (BCs) to commercial banks, as recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low-Income Households (CCFS).