A Practical Note on Operationalising Suitability in Microcredit
This Note has been prepared for regulated lending institutions who are in the business of
offering small-ticket short-term unsecured loans with equated monthly or weekly repayment
schedules, to low-income individuals and households in India.
Practitioner led solutions to ensure suitability in microcredit
The objectives of sustainable businesses are well-aligned with ensuring the financial health of households, and this holds true for all types of lending businesses.
Proceedings of the Participant Sessions at the Workshop on Suitability in Microcredit
Proceeds from the Suitability Workshop in Mumbai, Oct 2018.
Guidelines for Suitability in Lending to Low-Income Households
In December 2014, the Reserve Bank of India published the Charter of Customer Rights as a commitment to protecting the interests of consumers of financial services.
Assessing Suitability – What’s the future for financial providers’ legal duty of care?
In the previous blogpost we noted the gradual shift away from the buyer-beware standard in case law and policy regarding customers of financial products.
What do we Know about Sales Staff Behavior? A Technical Guide for Mystery Shopping in Retail Finance
The shift towards suitability frameworks for consumer protection in India is a bold and important enhancement of existing financial consumer protection efforts.
“Suitability” and the Law: Moving from scatter gun to straight shooter?
The previous blog post in this series had presented some insights from our review of case law relating to financial products and services.
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian Financial System in 2014
The RBI published the final Charter of Customer Rights for banking customers in December 2014.
Suitability becomes a Customer Right
The RBI has published on its website the final Charter of Customer Rights for banking customers.
Towards a Suitability-based Customer Protection Regime in India
The current regulatory approach to customer protection in India can be divided into two complementary ex-ante approaches- mandated information disclosure, and financial literacy and education.