Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Comments submitted to the Ministry of Labour and Employment on the Draft Labour Code on Social Security, 2019 (24 October 2019)

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We welcome the decision to consolidate India’s social security legislation into a consolidated Draft Labour Code on Social Security, 2019 [hereinafter, “the present Draft”]. As noted by the Second National Labour Reforms Commission (2002), there is a grave need to consolidate and simplify India’s labour laws. Moreover, simplifying labour laws to improve implementation is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth for all. (United Nations Development Programme, 2019). We further welcome the decision to make an express provision for social security of workers in the unorganised sector. (Statement of Objects and Reasons to the Draft Labour Code on Social Security (2018)) [hereinafter “2018 Draft”] We have provided our constructive comments on the Draft in response to the call for responses from stakeholders dated 17.09.2019

To read the full report, click here

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