Microfinance through a Data Lens
In the last five years, the microfinance sector in India has grown into a stable and well-regulated sector thanks to a strengthened regulatory framework and credit bureau infrastructure.
Assessing Suitability – What’s the future for financial providers’ legal duty of care?
In the previous blogpost we noted the gradual shift away from the buyer-beware standard in case law and policy regarding customers of financial products.
Reaching the Last Mile in Financial Services Delivery
As part of Business Today Magazine’s 25th Anniversary issue, Bindu Ananth has written an article in the latest edition of the magazine.
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian Financial System in 2015
In our final post of the year we put together the Top-5 game changers of 2015.
Customer Protection through MFI Self-Regulation in India
M-FIN and Sa-Dhan, two key Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) of the microfinance industry jointly released their revised Code of Conduct for the Microfinance Industry in December 2015.
Comparing the Incidence and Cost of Institutional and Non-Institutional debt
The All-India Debt and Investment Survey (AIDIS) is a survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) at decennial intervals through household interviews from a random, nationally representative sample of households
What do we Know about Sales Staff Behavior? A Technical Guide for Mystery Shopping in Retail Finance
The shift towards suitability frameworks for consumer protection in India is a bold and important enhancement of existing financial consumer protection efforts.
Stress Testing Credit Risk of Indian Banks
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, RBI took a major leap forward and set up a new Financial Stability Unit in 2009 specifically focusing on the measures to be taken for assessment and evaluation of financial system stability in the country
“Suitability” and the Law: Moving from scatter gun to straight shooter?
The previous blog post in this series had presented some insights from our review of case law relating to financial products and services.
Video: A Robust Architecture for Financial Inclusion in India – Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya
In the previous post we had covered the keynote address delivered by Mr. Nandan Nilekani at the IFMR Holdings Event, 2015.