A summary of NBFC-MFI Directions – August 2012
On August 03, 2012, RBI came out with its ‘Non Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) – Directions – Modifications’1 via which RBI has made changes to Directions issued on December 02, 2011 in light of representations received by it from NBFCs functioning in the microfinance sector.
Perspective on IRDA’s proposed ‘everything product’
The Micro-insurance sector has been often in the news in the recent times. This is primarily because of IRDA’s recent recommendation towards an “everything product” approach for which the Life Insurance Council has been asked to prepare a blue-print.
Australia’s Regulatory Principles and the Licensing of providers
Continuing on our series on ‘Consumer Protection’, we will take a look at how consumer protection has found its place within the regulatory architecture of select countries, namely Australia and South Africa.
Response to the Report of the Working Group on the Issues and Concerns in the NBFC Sector
NBFCs play a critical role in furthering the goal of financial inclusion. It is our view that in order to make access to financial services universal, while ensuring systemic stability, we need to build on the separate natural strengths of banks and NBFCs.
IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011 – Takeaways
Subsequent to our earlier posts detailing the three broad themes from the IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011, Day 2 of the conference witnessed participants identify pathways to achieve the specific visions that were formulated across the sessions in Origination, Risk Transmission and Aggregation.
Response to the Draft Micro Finance Institutions (Regulations and Development) Bill 2011
The Draft Micro Finance Institutions (Regulations and Development) Bill 2011 (the Bill) seeks to cover all entities engaged in ‘microfinance activities’ under a single regulator (the Reserve Bank of India) and prescribes various rules for such institutions.
Functional Perspective of Financial Systems – An Introduction
In a stylised sense, there are two fundamentally different perspectives for analysis of financial systems.
Reforming the Regulatory Architecture of India’s Financial System – What do the committees have to say?
[This post is the fourth in a series on the theme “regulatory architecture of India’s financial system”. IFMR Blog will continue to feature this theme till the third week of June.]
Response to RBI’s discussion paper on Deregulation of Savings Bank Deposit Rate
We think that the Indian economy is ripe for deregulation of savings rate. The recent monetary
policy released by the RBI highlights that the Indian economy may experience a slow growth over
this year, given an inflation focused tightening of the monetary policy.
Funding options for non-bank originators – Mezzanine instruments
Recently, we flagged off our new blog series on financing options for non-bank originators with our first post that explored debt-funding options in some depth.