Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Policy Initiatives

Household Finance

Dvara Research’s Household Finance Research initiative aims to rigorously understand the financial choices and decisions of low-income or excluded individuals and households, and their relation to achieving households’ objectives. It has been our consistent endeavour to study financial inclusion as a gateway to a suite of appropriate financial services eventually enabling well-rounded household balance sheets and consumer financial well-being.

Misha Sharma Dvara

Misha Sharma

Head - Household Finance

Natasha D’cruze Dvara

Natasha D’cruze

Research Associate

Niyati Agrawal Dvara

Niyati Agrawal

Research Associate

Priyadarshini Ganesan Dvara

Priyadarshini Ganesan

Senior Research Associate

Risha Ramachandran Dvara

Risha Ramachandran

Research Consultant

Our Work

January 13, 2020 | LiveMint

The present government has set great store by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurship as engines of growth.

By V. Anantha Nageswaran, Bindu Ananth
October 15, 2019 | Dvara Research

On the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer.

July 15, 2019 | Dvara Research

Webinar on Evidence Gap and Data on Financial Well-being in India

By Monami Dasgupta, Vishwanath C
March 30, 2019 | Dvara Research

A single location to access publicly available household finance data in India.

By Vishwanath C, Nishanth Kumar
February 5, 2019 | Dvara Research

An analysis of PMSYM

By Nishanth Kumar
December 26, 2018 | Dvara Research

Research Brief for Practitioners and Policymakers

By Asmita Chatterjee, Devarchan Banerjee
October 15, 2018 | Dvara Research

Research insights on design and implementation of PMMY.

By Vaishnavi Prathap
September 21, 2018 | Dvara Research

Part 2 of a two-part series on the learnings and takeaways from a Household Finance course.

By Monami Dasgupta
August 13, 2018 | Dvara Research

Part 1 of a two-part series on the learnings and takeaways from a Household Finance course.

By Monami Dasgupta
June 13, 2018 | Dvara Research

A few insights from the field on possible reasons for low account usage.

By Asmita Chatterjee