A Brief Comparison of Ombudsmen Frameworks – Part 1
This is the first of a two-part blog series on the state of Grievance Redress in the Indian Financial System.
Comments dated 20 March 2017 on the draft of the “Information Technology (Security of Prepaid Payment Instruments) Rules 2017” dated 8 March 2017 (Draft Rules) released by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India (MeitY)
Our comments in response to the Draft Rules are presented in two sections below. In the first section titled “I. Overarching Comments”, we raise two broad points on (1) extending the data protection principles consistently to avoid regulatory gaps, and (2) the need for regulatory coordination to avoid dual regulation, mitigate potential capacity constraints for MeitY and any adverse impact on the ease of doing business for pre-paid instrument (PPI) issuers. In the second section titled “II.
Comments on the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology’s Draft Rules for Security of Prepaid Payment Instruments
On 8 March 2017, the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) released a set of draft rules for security of prepaid payment instruments (Draft Rules), inviting comments by 20 March 2017.
The P2P Lending Market in China: A Parable for Indian Policymakers – Part 2
In the first post of this two-part series, we tracked the explosive rise of the P2P lending market in China, which took place in the absence of any regulations.
The P2P Lending Market in China: A Parable for Indian Policymakers – Part 1
Since 2011, China’s P2P lending market has witnessed unprecedented growth. However, numerous high profile platform failures prompted the Chinese authorities to come out with a host of regulations at the end of 2016.
District-level Assessment of Credit Depth in Uttar Pradesh
In this post we assess the state of bank credit depth for the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and the variation in credit depth across the 75 districts of UP during the 2004-12 period.
Monetary Policy Transmission in India – Part 2
In the second post of our two-part series on Monetary Policy Transmission, we take a closer look at the impediments to policy transmission in India and also list the recent measures taken by RBI/Government to overcome these impediments.
Monetary Policy Transmission in India – Part 1
Monetary policy plays a significant role in determining the trajectory of a country’s economy. While not directly affecting the structure of a financial system, the policy significantly influences the actions of economic agents of the financial system, including financial institutions
Comments to the draft circular “Rationalisation of Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) for Debit Card Transactions”
The Future of Finance Initiative (FFI) is housed within the IFMR Finance Foundation (IFF) and aims to promote policy and regulatory strategies that protect citizens accessing finance given the sweeping changes that are reshaping retail financial services in India. Our vision is for regulation and policy to develop to support universal access for all citizens to a range of channels through which they can transact securely and confidently.
Investing in the Transformation of Financial Access in India
The innovative finance revolution : Private capital for public good