Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

State of Open Digital Ecosystems for Social Protection (SP-ODEs) in India

Technological advancement is enabling governments to break away from this fragmented model and adopt an approach that allows individual departments to share infrastructural capacities. In policy parlance, this new approach is referred to as an ‘ecosystem-based’ delivery model, wherein several government departments are integrated at the back end, operate on the same platform, with their workflows interoperable with each other.

A Report on Addressing Debt Distress in a Post COVID World

Access to credit enables an individual and her household to achieve financial well-being and results in economic welfare outcomes for the entire society. However, excessive debt diminishes all developmental gains, and negatively impacts overall economic growth and stability.

Measuring Financial Inclusion: A project report

Despite significant policy support for financial inclusion, there is little evidence about what has been achieved by way of knowing which households and individuals are financially included, or what is the impact of such inclusion on these persons.

Managed Competition in Colombia

Colombia’s healthcare domain, like many other sectors in the country, was completely overhauled as part of the country’s sweeping reforms that followed the adoption of a new Constitution in 1991.

Health Insurance Ownership in India

In this study, we conduct a quantitative analysis of household finance data to understand the status of health insurance ownership in India, identify the determinants of health insurance ownership, and understand the relationship between households’ access to health insurance and their health expenditure.