A Potential Regulatory Approach to Creditworthiness Assessments in Microfinance
In this post, we revisit the issue of over-indebtedness in microfinance and provide a set of suggestions to address them
A Framework for Detecting Over-indebtedness and Monitoring Indian Credit Markets
Excessive debt negatively affects households and can diminish any developmental gains from such debt. It also dampens a nation’s economic growth and threatens its financial stability.
Assam Crisis Brings to Fore Protracted Regulatory Issues in Tackling Borrower Debt Stress
Reports of growing debt stress among microfinance borrowers in Assam follows a similar path as those in AP. In this post we analysis this issue and provide possible solutions
Detecting Over-Indebtedness while Monitoring Credit Markets in India
The household sector, comprising of individuals, households, proprietorships, and other non-corporate entities, has over INR 46 trillion as outstanding in the Indian formal credit market. The ability to access credit enables an individual and her household to gain better financial wellbeing and economic welfare outcomes, and an excess of credit can diminish any developmental gains. […]
Detecting Over-Indebtedness while Monitoring Credit Markets in India: An Approach
In this report we propose Monitoring and Detection Framework for OID with twin outcomes in mind, that of financial stability and financial consumer protection
Must the Most Vulnerable Bear the Highest Costs? The Case of Interest on Interest during the Debt Moratorium
In this post, we investigate the cost of Interest on Interest (IoI), that emerged out of the RBI’s policy to grant a 6-month debt moratorium
COVID-19 and Debt Moratorium – The Case of Microcredit
In the wake of COVID-19 related lockdown and the resultant impact on the financial lives of millions of households, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved a series of regulatory measures, which among others, enabled lending institutions to provide their borrowers with a 6 month-repayment moratorium on term loans. A debt moratorium at this scale […]
COVID-19 and Debt Moratorium – The Case of Microcredit
This policy brief examines the implications of debt moratorium in the context of microcredit
Needed, a modern personal insolvency regime
Personal insolvency needs to be treated as a social insurance option. A mechanism which relies on the interaction between creditors and borrowers must be put in place
A novel way for MSMEs to lower their risk profile and access funds
This problem can be solved by link-ups with large supply chains and networks that disperse risk and place small businesses in a better position to get loans and attract equity investors.