Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



A primer is an introductory piece that serves as a guide or explains an idea, a concept, or a theory. Our primers may appear on our own website, often in long form, or in external media such as news websites or newspapers, often in short form, and are meant to explain our work to a layperson audience.

Our Work

April 4, 2019 | Dvara Research

Click here to access the primer on Designing Optimal Regulation. The use of technology and personal data in finance is changing the landscape of financial services. This is widening the choice set of financial services available to consumers, through two distinct trends that are enabled by the use of technology (i) the disintermediation of traditional financial […]

April 4, 2019 | Dvara Research

Primer on Designing Optimal Regulation – 4th Dvara Research Conference

April 4, 2019 | Dvara Research

Primer on Consumer Data Infrastructure - 4th Dvara Research Conference

April 3, 2019 | Dvara Research

he increasingly-pervasive use of personal data in the provision of financial services can enable providers to offer suitable financial products, at a scale. Internationally, suitability or appropriateness in finance is conceptualised as “the degree to which the product or service offered by the intermediary matches the retail client’s financial situation, investment objectives, level of risk tolerance, financial need, knowledge and experience”

April 3, 2019 | Dvara Research

Primer on Suitability for Consumer Data Use and Product Design – 4th Dvara Research Conference

April 2, 2019

Click here to access the primer on consumer data regulation. The use of personal data by government and private service providers in their interactions with individuals is becoming ubiquitous in India. Service providers are able to collect and process larger volumes and richer varieties of personal data, such as from utilities payments, social media and e-commerce […]

April 2, 2019 | Dvara Research

Primer on Consumer Data Regulation - 4th Dvara Research Conference