Independent Research and Policy Advocacy


Research Papers

Research Paper or Working Paper is the culmination of a research process and critical thinking. Here, we present our findings of primary research, surveys, and/or literature review in a format that is mostly found in academic papers. These may take us several months to produce and may involve a slow pace and deliberate reflection by the researchers.

Our Work

April 10, 2024 | Dvara Research

The 2016 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is a landmark legislation with the potential to impact every borrower. This paper focuses on Part III of the IBC, which deals with natural persons, proprietorships, and personal guarantors for corporate debt. Through the paper, we attempt to estimate the potential consequences of the Fresh Start Process (FSP) defined under this Part. The IBC lays out economic criteria that can qualify (or disqualify) an applicant for FSP. Under FSP, a borrower must be asset-lite, have a low income, and hold minimal outstanding debt to qualify. These thresholds determine the applicability of the process once the IBC is fully notified. Thus, empirical estimates regarding the effects of the provisions on the Indian credit market are crucial to deciphering the impact of the IBC, more specifically, the FSP.

August 31, 2023 | Dvara Research

Governments and lenders provide loan moratoria to help struggling borrowers, particularly during an economic crisis. While it can provide relief to borrowers, such a policy also has a possibility of inducing moral hazard among the beneficiaries.

By Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, Nitin Vishen
February 13, 2023 | Dvara Research

Despite significant policy support for financial inclusion, there is little evidence about what has been achieved by way of knowing which households and individuals are financially included, or what is the impact of such inclusion on these persons.

By Natasha D’cruze, Dr. Indradeep Ghosh, Geetika Palta, Misha Sharma, Susan Thomas
September 30, 2022 | Dvara Research

Colombia’s healthcare domain, like many other sectors in the country, was completely overhauled as part of the country’s sweeping reforms that followed the adoption of a new Constitution in 1991.

By Aarushi Gupta, Anjali Nambiar
June 1, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this paper, we document the experience of Germany’s SHI system with managed competition and the challenges faced by this sub-system in faithfully implementing the principles of managed competition as originally envisioned by Enthoven.

April 28, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this paper, we look at what made a transition to managed competition possible in the Netherlands, how managed competition has played out, and the challenges that the system currently faces.

March 29, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this paper, we review the literature on what constitutes financial well-being of a household and how it can be visualised as the outcome of financial inclusion. If financial well-being can be measured accurately, it can guide both policy makers and financial service providers on what and where are the gaps in how finance can improve the lives of their customers.

By Monami Dasgupta, Geetika Palta
February 4, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this paper, we propose an analytical framework that provides an overview of the various actors and processes involved in financing, purchasing, provision and provider payments.

January 6, 2022 | Dvara Research

Gold dominates household portfolios in India. This has been labelled as irrational behaviour by financially illiterate households. In this paper, we show that household preference towards gold is not irrational in the context of the Indian financial and macroeconomic environment which includes high inflation, financial repression, and capital controls.

By Renuka Sane, Manisk K. Singh
November 25, 2021 | Dvara Research

In this piece, we revisit Enthoven’s principles and propose a broader definition of the concept of managed competition in order that it may encompass other countries’ experiences that do not conform to a strict application of Enthoven’s concept.