This post is a follow-up to our earlier post which briefed about the mapping exercise that IFMR Rural Finance had undertaken to study the service area of a KGFS Branch.
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post which briefed about the mapping exercise that IFMR Rural Finance had undertaken to study the service area of a KGFS Branch.
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post where we had invited public comments on Affordable Credit Delivery. In this post we seek your thoughts on the theme of Comprehensive Financial Services.
According to the 2011 Population Census data, urban India grew by 90 million people in the previous decade.
How do spatial parameters like distance and accessibility impact financial inclusion? How can an organisation striving to achieve financial inclusion locate itself strategically such that it becomes truly inclusive in every sense of the word?
As a follow-up to our earlier post where we had talked about our first securitisation in the Commercial Vehicle (CV) Finance space, in this post we briefly provide an overview of the industry and discuss the key risk factors affecting the CV industry along with factors that impact the performance of a portfolio of CV loans.
On Wednesday, we brought together leaders from our Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services (KGFS) companies to talk about best practices from across our operations in Uttarakhand, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. One story really stood out for me – the green stool innovation.
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post where we had invited public comments on Priority Sector Lending. In this post we seek your thoughts on the theme of Affordable Credit Delivery.
Madhya Pradesh, with an area of 3.08 lakh square kilometres is the second largest State in India after Rajasthan1. It has a total of 50 districts2, 52,117 inhabited villages3 governed by 23,006 panchayats, and as per the 2011 Census, has a population of 7.27 crore4 with more than 75% of it residing in villages.
This post is a follow-up to our earlier post where we had invited public comments on Payments. In this post we seek your thoughts on the theme of Priority Sector Lending.
Given the magnitude of investments and expertise needed for sustainable development of urban infrastructure in India, it is essential that there be substantial private sector involvement.