Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



We produce blogs to discuss new research findings, ongoing projects, and even personal reflections on the research process. Our blogs are written for a variety of audiences, including other researchers, policymakers, practitioners, financial service providers, grassroots organizations, impact investors and the public. The format is simple and easy to grasp. The language is straightforward, and the tone is non-academic. Our blogs can be of varying lengths. We choose to write a blog when we don’t want to do a full- fledged study or follow a rigorous research process. Blogs may contain opinions and they can also be based on experiences. Some of our blogs may just share some observations, learnings, or challenges.

Our Work

February 25, 2013 | Dvara Research

Economists have long recognized the special role of Government Debt (and the market where it trades) in the economy of a country.

By Prof. Suresh Sundaresan
February 21, 2013 | Dvara Research

Continuing our analysis of International Unemployment Support schemes, we now discuss designs in three South American countries: Argentina, Chile and Brazil.

By Darshana Rajendran, Vishnu Prasad
February 17, 2013 | Dvara Research

In July 2012, RBI set up the Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr.Prakash Bakshi, Chairman, NABARD, to examine the Three-Tier Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS) in India.

February 12, 2013 | Dvara Research

Continuing our blog series on Municipal Finance in India, in this two-part series we review the Report on Indian Urban Infrastructure and Services (2011).

By Vishnu Prasad
February 7, 2013 | Dvara Research

The absence of secondary markets for corporate bonds in India is arguably the single most important reason for this market not seeing the kind of growth one would expect.

By Vaibhav Anand, Satya Srinivasan, Mohammed Irfan, Rajeswari Sengupta
February 4, 2013 | Dvara Research

I was recently made aware of a fascinating speech2 on this topic given by Mr. V. K. Sharma (ED, RBI) in Mumbai on November 8th, 2012.

By Dr. Nachiket Mor
January 30, 2013 | Dvara Research

In India, rice and wheat comprise 70 percent of agricultural produce by area, but less than 25 percent by value.

By Dr. Richa Govil
January 20, 2013 | Dvara Research

his post is a continunation of our series of posts on Unemployment Support in India. The below post borrows heavily from Kamimura’s “Employment structure and Unemployment insurance in East Asia

By Anand Sahasranaman
January 6, 2013 | Dvara Research

The previous post covered the process of “Suitability” in financial services. Here, we cover aspects of the legal and regulatory structure that will aid in establishing an effective Suitability regime in India.

December 30, 2012 | Dvara Research

Here are our picks: 1)Direct Cash Transfer Scheme – To be rolled-out from January 1, under this scheme government plans to provide subsidies and other benefits directly to the poor in cash rather than in the form of subsidies.

By Dvara Research