Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



We produce blogs to discuss new research findings, ongoing projects, and even personal reflections on the research process. Our blogs are written for a variety of audiences, including other researchers, policymakers, practitioners, financial service providers, grassroots organizations, impact investors and the public. The format is simple and easy to grasp. The language is straightforward, and the tone is non-academic. Our blogs can be of varying lengths. We choose to write a blog when we don’t want to do a full- fledged study or follow a rigorous research process. Blogs may contain opinions and they can also be based on experiences. Some of our blogs may just share some observations, learnings, or challenges.

Our Work

April 16, 2013 | Dvara Research

As part of our blog series on the FSLRC report, we will be conducting a series of interviews with key experts to get their perspective on the report and its implications.

By Dvara Research
April 12, 2013 | Dvara Research

Why does consumer protection assume so much more significance in financial services, more so than perhaps for other services? Financial services don’t have fixed characteristics.

By Anand Sahasranaman
April 8, 2013 | Dvara Research

Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC) was set up by the Indian Government in 2011 with a mandate to help rewrite and harmonize financial sector legislation, rules and regulations. On March 22nd 2013 it released its final report and the draft law.

By Anand Sahasranaman
April 4, 2013 | Dvara Research

The Task Force on Credit Related Issues of Farmers, chaired by Umesh Chandra Sarangi, in its report submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India,

March 30, 2013 | Dvara Research

The revenue share between state governments and ULBs is determined by the State Finance Commissions (SFCs) which are set up by state governments every 5 years. In essence, the mandate of the SFC is to determine:

By Anand Sahasranaman
March 22, 2013 | Dvara Research

The book is an edited compilation of articles that focus on using financial engineering a multidisciplinary field that uses technical methods from the fields of finance, mathematics and

By Dvara Research
March 20, 2013 | Dvara Research

Continuing our Municipal Finance blog series on the Financing Small Cities blog, in this two-part series we look at the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964, which is the enabling legislation for the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in Karnataka.

By Vishnu Prasad
March 16, 2013 | Dvara Research

Over 2006-12, RBI and SEBI have created a strong and conducive regulatory environment for securitisation, listing of securitised debt instruments, and standards of transparency and reporting. Securitisation volumes have picked up and we recently witnessed the first listed transaction. In October 2011, the income tax authorities issued a claim on certain securitisation special purpose vehicles […]

By Bindu Ananth, Dr. Kshama Fernandes
March 7, 2013 | Dvara Research

We have presented Suitability as the paradigm of choice for India’s financial system and have put forward the idea of Suitability as a board-approved process that each financial services provider develops and adheres to across all functions of the firm.

March 4, 2013 | Dvara Research

Continuing our blog series on Municipal Finance in India, in this two-part series we provide a brief overview of the Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

By Vaibhav Anand