Do UPI-fraud-awareness campaigns work?
Proposal for an outcome-based survey to test the effectiveness of UPI-fraudawareness campaign.
The Use of Malware in UPI related Fraud
In a recent study to evaluate the effectiveness of consumer awareness campaigns relating to United Payment Interface(UPI) frauds, Dvara Research interviewed ~85 low-income, new-to-UPI users from metro cities and small towns.
Do UPI In-App Grievance Redress Mechanisms work for constrained users?
In this interim report, we document our observations about the user interface of In-App GRMs in UPI applications (UPI Apps). Our observations are based on our review of the customer redress journey on these GRMs – mainly in terms of the GRM’s accessibility and usability – from the lens of a low-income, digital immigrant customer.
Developing a Mechanism for ‘Market Monitoring of Customer-facing Issues with Unified Payments Interface (UPI)’
Under the Center for Customer Protection, Dvara Research has been working on developing a market monitoring tool that leverages social media data to identify customer-facing issues with India’s leading payment infrastructure, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI).
Understanding new-to-UPI users’ experiences with UPI-based digital payment apps
While the usage of UPI-based payments has been steadily increasing, the experiences of new-to-UPI users are relatively less examined.
Making UPI payments more customer-centric for new-to-UPI users
This study was conducted through a donation from WhatsApp Pay. All material created under this study is made available as a public good, accessible through this page.
Towards designing UPI services for constrained users
This blog post summarises literature regarding users who are most likely to face difficulties in using digital payments, and some design principles and best practices that could simplify digital payment interfaces.
Comments to the Reserve Bank of India on the Report of the Working Group on Digital Lending including Lending through Online Platforms and Mobile Apps
In this blog post, we present our comments to the Report of the Working Group on Digital Lending including Lending through Online Platforms and Mobile Apps, November 2021 (the Report) in response to the call for comments from all stakeholders by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Our response is accessible here. We appreciate the Report’s multi-dimensional approach […]
Caps on Third Party App Providers in UPI: Missing the Woods for the Trees?
This blog post examines the merit of NPCI issued Guidelines that disallow TPAPs from serving more than 30% volume of all UPI transactions
A review of BIS’ paper on The Design of Digital Financial Infrastructure: Lessons from India
This blog post reviews the BIS paper, and offers some reflections and critiques based on the experience of these infrastructures in India.