Independent Research and Policy Advocacy


Opinion Editorials

Our opinion editorials are published in newspapers, magazines, and new-age online publications. They are an important tool for public discourse and advocacy. They help us to raise awareness about important issues, and they often provide a platform for perspectives from our researchers, to be presented and to be heard.

Our Work

June 7, 2017 | LiveMint

We are within striking distance of every Indian having access to a bank account and being able to easily send and receive payments. We should care deeply that millions of Indians are still turning to expensive informal financial services in the face of seasonal and volatile incomes, despite years of trying to improve access to basic financial services.

May 4, 2017 | Business Today

These less-discussed applications of fintech can transform microloan pricing and personal finance, leading to fair lending and wider inclusion

January 18, 2017 | The Economic Times

Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) represent an important linkage between the formal banking sector and informal segments of the real economy in India (wage labourers, smallholder farmers, unorganised retail, and domestic workers) through the channelling of credit from the former to the latter. They have a significant presence in the microfinance, small business finance and commercial […]

By Bindu Ananth, Dr. Kshama Fernandes
January 3, 2017 | Dvara Research

Even as the city of Chennai was grappling with the after-effects of the devastating floods of December 2015, exactly a year later, Cyclone Vardah unleashed its fury, leaving behind a trail of destruction and devastation.

By Sucharita Mukherjee
October 1, 2016 | Hindustan Times

For the first time, the majority of Indian women have been financially included. Fresh data show that the proportion of Indian women with individual accounts in formal financial institutions (primarily banks) reached 61% in 2015, a sharp increase from 48% in 2014, lagging men by only eight percentage points.

By Bindu Ananth, Amy Jensen Mowl
January 17, 2016 | Business Today

Despite the best efforts by policy makers and state-owned banks, the last mile problem has been an insurmountable hurdle in the way of financial inclusion for the poor. Bindu Ananth, Chair - IFMR Trust & IFMR Holdings, busts some common fallacies about financial inclusion.

June 5, 2014 | LiveMint

Imagine you are a labourer in a village in Odisha and have painstakingly completed your Aadhaar formalities (for which you gave a proof of permanent address and your fingerprints).

December 10, 2013 | LiveMint

In India, however, it has been applied to the sale of derivatives by banks to corporate customers.

September 17, 2013 | Forbes India

A new paper by Anandi Mani et al in the August issue of Science has a stunning finding – that the cognitive impact of being poor may be equivalent to as much as 13 IQ points.

By Dvara Research
June 13, 2013 | Forbes India

I read an excellent post by Ajay Shah recently that questioned the policy wisdom of emphasising house ownership over rental housing.