Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Policy Initiatives

The Future Of Finance Initiative

The Future of Finance Initiative seeks to identify and address new challenges for policy and regulation in India given the waves of digital innovation currently sweeping financial services. Our work in this initiative studies the impacts of digitisation and technological innovation in Indian finance, leading from the consumer perspective on these issues. 

Anubhutie Singh Dvara

Anubhutie Singh

Research Associate

Hasna Ashraf Dvara

Hasna Ashraf

Senior Research Associate

Manvi Khanna

Research Associate

Beni Chugh Dvara

Beni Chugh


Our Work

December 14, 2019 | NDTV Profit

Our society operates on the basis of trust. We use this trust every day. To build friendships, to buy and sell things, to vote, to claim protection and benefits from the State when they are due.

December 2, 2019 | Dvara Research

Roundtable on Implementing India’s Personal Data Protection Bill

By The Future Of Finance Initiative
November 29, 2019 | ThePrint

India's financial sector has been a gung-ho adopter of technology. But design of technology and finance have hardly reflected users’ lived realities.

November 15, 2019 | Dvara Research

This paper presents ideas for a new approach to enforcement of a data protection regime, based on risk-based supervision and the use of a range of responsive enforcement tools that could be deployed in advance of a breach to prevent it, or after a breach to mitigate the effects.

By Beni Chugh, Malavika Raghavan, Nishanth Kumar
October 29, 2019 | Dvara Research

Examining the definition and usage of the term “harm” in India’s draft Personal Data Protection Bill 2018.

By Srikara Prasad
October 12, 2019 | NDTV Profit

Information from individuals is often stated to be the fuel that will power our new digital economy. As India powers into the information age, a key issue facing policymakers is the regulation of the use of this personal information.

By Srikara Prasad
October 3, 2019 | Dvara Research

Dvara Research Policy Brief - Implementing the Personal Data Protection Bill in India

By Srikara Prasad, Beni Chugh, Anubhutie Singh, Malavika Raghavan
September 24, 2019 | Dvara Research

Insights on Non-Personal Data (NPD)

By Anubhutie Singh, Beni Chugh, Srikara Prasad, Malavika Raghavan
September 19, 2019 | Dvara Research

Regulators and even the government have off-late been invested in understanding the landscape of fintech activities and devising an appropriate response to its attendant risks and opportunities.

By The Future Of Finance Initiative
September 17, 2019 | Dvara Research

In this Response, we present our comments on the RBI’s Discussion Paper on the Guidelines for Payment Gateways (PG) and Payment Aggregators (PA) in response to the call for comments from stakeholders (Reserve Bank of India, 2019c). Our comments are organised into five broad themes...

By Beni Chugh, Madhu Srinivas, Anubhutie Singh, Sarah Stanley