Reflecting on central recommendations in the Nilekani Report and the Vision 21 Document along with the key aspects of the user journey for digital payments.
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The Future of Finance Initiative seeks to identify and address new challenges for policy and regulation in India given the waves of digital innovation currently sweeping financial services. Our work in this initiative studies the impacts of digitisation and technological innovation in Indian finance, leading from the consumer perspective on these issues.
Research Associate
Senior Research Associate
Research Associate
Reflecting on central recommendations in the Nilekani Report and the Vision 21 Document along with the key aspects of the user journey for digital payments.
On RBI’s proposed Public Credit Registry and its implications.
Response to the Reserve Bank of India on the Draft Enabling Framework for Regulatory Sandbox
Harms facing users in the digital ecosystem that players in the Indian ecosystem must contemplate in order to build appropriate safeguards
Examining the preparedness of the MSME sector to adopt digital platforms and report on the trends for adoption of IT.
Click here to access the primer on Consumer Data Infrastructure. Large scale data infrastructures (such as the proposed Public Credit Registry, the GSTN System and the Indiastack) are emerging to support the delivery of financial services in India. This raises questions regarding the role of the State and of the regulation of these infrastructures. The existing […]
Click here to access the primer on Designing Optimal Regulation. The use of technology and personal data in finance is changing the landscape of financial services. This is widening the choice set of financial services available to consumers, through two distinct trends that are enabled by the use of technology (i) the disintermediation of traditional financial […]
Primer on Designing Optimal Regulation – 4th Dvara Research Conference
Primer on Consumer Data Infrastructure - 4th Dvara Research Conference
Primer on Suitability for Consumer Data Use and Product Design – 4th Dvara Research Conference
In all our research efforts, we strive to maintain an independent voice that speaks for the low-income household and household enterprises. Our ability to perform this function is significantly enhanced by our commitment to disseminate as a pure public good, all the intellectual capital that we create.