In this post, we cover the case of a daily wage worker in need of money, who turned to the programme, but failed to receive her wages
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We produce blogs to discuss new research findings, ongoing projects, and even personal reflections on the research process. Our blogs are written for a variety of audiences, including other researchers, policymakers, practitioners, financial service providers, grassroots organizations, impact investors and the public. The format is simple and easy to grasp. The language is straightforward, and the tone is non-academic. Our blogs can be of varying lengths. We choose to write a blog when we don’t want to do a full- fledged study or follow a rigorous research process. Blogs may contain opinions and they can also be based on experiences. Some of our blogs may just share some observations, learnings, or challenges.
In this post, we cover the case of a daily wage worker in need of money, who turned to the programme, but failed to receive her wages
This post reviews various sources of literature on how COVID-19 has affected migrant households & conclude by summarises some of the recommendations provided by sector experts
In this post, we revisit the issue of over-indebtedness in microfinance and provide a set of suggestions to address them
In this post, we analyse the community-based health insurance model and suggest pathways for reform
In this post, we discuss the market & regulatory barriers that prevent most farmers, banks & NBFCs from participating in the commodity derivatives market
This casestudy showcases exclusion from the PDS leading to further exclusion from COVID-19 relief efforts targeted at ration cardholders
In this blog post, we analyse the VimoSEWA model in India, which shows the strength of community-level intervention and support
This post summarises the research findings from our recently concluded project on exclusion and grievance redress that was undertaken in collaboration with Gram Vaani
This post provides an overview of the financial consumer grievance redress system in India and highlights the issues that make it less effective and less consumer-friendly
In this post, we examine the concept of managed care and attempt to understand its relevance in the Indian context.
In all our research efforts, we strive to maintain an independent voice that speaks for the low-income household and household enterprises. Our ability to perform this function is significantly enhanced by our commitment to disseminate as a pure public good, all the intellectual capital that we create.